OverpowerAI plans to use the fees generated from the privacy mixer and DEX aggregator to distribute BNB dividends to its users. The dividends will be accumulated in a dashboard, which will allow users to track their earnings and claim their share of the profits. This creates a passive income opportunity for OverpowerAI users, as they can earn BNB simply by using the platform's services.
As the number of users utilizing the privacy mixer and DEX aggregator grows, the more fees will be generated, resulting in higher dividends. This incentivizes users not only to use the platform but also to spread the word and bring in more users, creating a self-sustaining cycle of growth and profitability for the OverpowerAI community.
This approach represents a commitment to creating value for token holders by providing a mechanism for generating passive income. It also encourages community involvement and growth, as the more users that utilize the platform, the more profitable it becomes for everyone involved.
Overall, the plan to distribute BNB dividends through the fees generated from the privacy mixer and DEX aggregator represents a promising strategy that could help to drive long-term growth and success for the OverpowerAI project.
Last updated